February 2024


Side by Side

Why read the Bible side by side? Do I need it? Isn’t it sufficient for me to read it personally?

Yes, it is surely good for you to read the Bible on your own. But there are reasons we offer and encourage Side by Side Bible Reading. For one, we often learn better together. Just this month, in the Sunday morning group, I learned a lot more reading Haggai with other women than I would have alone.

But Bible reading is not all about gaining more knowledge. It is about life transformation, and that also typically happens better in relationship with others than alone. Just like recording what you eat to show your personal trainer helps you make healthier food choices, so talking with a friend as you seek to apply the Bible helps you make godlier life choices.

Life can be lonely. It’s easy to even feel disconnected at church where we would hope to feel the most connected. Side by Side Bible Reading is good for the loneliness that ails us. There are sisters who need you, and you need them. You never know what kind of a relationship might grow out of spending some time reading God’s Word with someone you just met or someone you’ve known from across the room for years.

Need someone to pray for you? Need a sister to talk with about life issues? Need a mentor to answer questions? Need some accountability? Need a friend whose example you’d like to follow? Don’t we all? These can all be found in a Side by Side Bible Reading partner.

Want to give it a try? Or a retry? Will you press on? There are women you can impact and women who can impact you. It’s beneficial to read and live side by side.


1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, our monthly women’s gathering, meets right away on February 1, 2024. Let’s enjoy a taste of summer in the midst of winter with the theme HOT!

Put on something HOT pink or red HOT! We’ll have a gourmet HOTdog dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by teaching from Zechariah, some HOT games, an introduction to our next study of Ezekiel, and HOT fudge sundaes to end the evening.


We have been reading Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in January and will read Ezekiel in February. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Ezekiel together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment