January 2024


Shared Joy

Remember the old proverb? Shared joy is a double joy. We doubled our joy at Share the Joy. Not only did we enjoy ourselves as New Life Women, but we doubled the joy by sharing it with friends who joined in the time of celebration and reflection.

We are co-laborers for the gospel of Christ, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel. In December, we labored together to share the joy. Some set up tables; some made cheesecakes and cider. Some prepared sweet crafts, and others crafted reflection stations. Some sought out newer women, quieter women and made them feel welcome and comfortable. Some invited friends. Some of those friends couldn’t come, but the invitation was still valuable. Some of those friends came, and together we demonstrated God’s love to them. Each role is valuable and necessary. Showing up matters. Inviting matters. Looking out for others matters. Conversations matter. Love matters.

For more on this topic, take a listen to this podcast, Welcome and Witness: How to Reach Out in a Secular Age. This is solid food for thought, both challenging and hopeful, and it speaks in part to what we did together at Share the Joy. One point brought out in the podcast is that we are workers. We are workers on Sunday mornings, at 1st Thursdays, at Share the Joy. We work as a team to share the gospel with our friends and neighbors. Rebecca McLaughlin, interviewed on the podcast, challenges, “If we Christians actually jump in as workers, our boats don’t have the capacity for the number of fish.”

All of us laboring together, in all kinds of different ways, makes a difference. Thank you for your participation—for inviting, welcoming, conversing—and doubling the joy. Let’s do it even more!


1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, our monthly women’s gathering, meets again on January 4, 2024! As you pack up Christmas decorations, set out and bring a few items of holiday decor that you are ready to part with but someone else may love. It can be ANY holiday, not just Christmas.

Come enjoy a spaghetti dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by teaching from 1 Chronicles, a lively SWAP time, and an introduction to our next study of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.


We have been reading 1 Chronicles in December and will read Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in January. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


Scripture Memory

Want to start the new year by memorizing 1 John? A memorization booklet can be made by picking up materials at 1st Thursday or printing your own from the church website. Find the resources online. Whether you get it all or a little bit, it will be good for your soul!



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment