March 2024


1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, the monthly gathering of New Life Women and friends, is coming up March 7. “Green is for GO” is the theme, so it would be very appropriate to wear green!

We are having lettuce wraps for dinner, and if you are able, please bring a small bowl of some kind of salad topping to share. Hard-boiled eggs, edamame, pumpkin seeds, pickled cabbage, olives, beets…get creative! We’ll provide the greens and dressings.

G.O. stands for Global Outreach, and we will have some fun getting to know the missionaries our church supports. We will also enjoy teaching from Ezekiel and receive resources to read Ezra in March.


We have been reading Ezekiel in February and will read Ezra in March. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Ezra together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


The Connection Cafe

Note, the date has changed for the women’s Cafe coming up this spring. Put Saturday, April 20, 10:00-11:30 on your calendar! Pray for a friend you could invite. Together we will enjoy a cozy morning connecting over coffee and sweet and savory treats. There will also be gardening tips, optional creative projects, and a short encouraging talk about the hope Jesus offers.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment