Understanding the Christian life can feel difficult. What does Paul mean when he says in Colossians 2:29, “I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me”? Is it me? Is it Christ? We’d like to know how to perfectly piece that out, divide and conquer the tasks as we are taught to do. Whether we are mathematically minded or not, we’d really like a formula, wouldn’t we?
Christian, which means “little Christ," is by definition all about Christ and wouldn’t exist without Him and His work. Christ is the foundation. The Christian life is about us being transformed into a little image of Christ (Col. 3:10.) But when we come to passages like Colossians 3 with all of its imperatives laced with doctrine, it starts feeling sort of esoteric, like the Christian life is for the elite super spirituals. That is not at all what Paul wants us to think. He is urging every common Christian to strive for maturity since we have a new identity with Christ.
My Paul-like sentence in summary of Colossians 3:1-17 is this: Because of the worth and work of Christ, since you have a new identity with Christ, as you keep seeking the things above, as you put off the things of the flesh and put on the things of Christ, as you do everything in the name of Christ, little by little you become who you are in Christ. That’s a mouthful! At 1st Thursday CONNECT we broke it down a bit, coming up with some key questions to continually ask ourselves to help us flesh out our part in the equation.
What will I do today to keep Christ central and prioritize seeking Him?
What sin am I killing today?
How can I put on love in this situation?
What would it look like to do this activity in the name of the Lord Jesus?
How does this all come together, then? If a real life example would help put some flesh on it, here is one way God recently used Colossians 3 in my life.
One day last month an opportunity came up for me to do something that would help and serve my husband. I knew it was the right and loving thing to do, but my feelings weren’t following my mind. I had lots of reasons not to—I was tired and had plenty of other things to do. My “old hat” of selfishness was right there, so easy and comfortable to put on (Col. 3:8.)
But then I thought of you all, my sisters in Christ. I really did. Because we have been meeting One-to-One reading God’s word together (Col. 3:16), Colossians came to mind. I recalled that Colossians 3 says things like, “You have died; therefore, put to death your sin” (Col. 3:3-5.) I wondered, do I really believe that is my true identity? Is my life, like a mother with a baby, so wrapped up in Another that when I think of the cross, I say, “We died. We were raised to life?” I asked myself, “What it would look like to put on love in this situation?” (Col. 3:14) I knew the answer. But I still didn’t feel like doing it.
So I started praying (Col. 4:2.) “Lord, help me believe my true identity with You. You are the powerful one who is at work in me to change me and make me like You. Help me kill this sin of selfishness right now (Col. 3:5), put on love (Col. 3:14), and do this in your name (Col. 3:17.) Oh, and help me do it cheerfully.”
And then I just took the first step. And then the next right step. And I could hardly believe it, but I was unusually cheerful. Before I knew it, the job was done. Suddenly, oh my goodness, it dawned on me what Christ had done! But it wasn’t my goodness; it was the goodness of Another. Now I was beyond cheerful. I was full of joy and thankfulness for Jesus’ work! (Col. 3:17)
Did I do anything? Yes, a little. Did Christ do anything? Yes, a lot. I “walked.” He “strengthened with all power” (Col. 1:10-11.) What was the result? Love was at work binding and bringing harmony between my husband and me (Col. 3:14.) There was peace (Col. 3:15.) There was thankfulness to God (Col. 3:15, 16, 17.) And my faith in Jesus grew.
Yes, I am dead to sin! Yes, I am alive with Christ! Yes, my life is wrapped up in Another. Yes, I can live in the power and for the glory of the Lord Jesus. Yes, He is worthy of my trust! Yes, He is changing me little by little to become who I truly am in Christ. And when I fail, as I so so often do, He is forgiving (Col. 3:13.) Praise God!
Like Paul prayed for the Colossian church, “may we be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May we be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light!” (Col. 1:9-12.)
Let us not cease praying for each other as together we are becoming who we are.
It’s almost time to retreat! Sunday, October 6—yes, that’s tomorrow!—is the last day to register for the Women’s Retreat. We will meet at Hopkins Demonstration Forest Saturday morning, October 12, at 9:00 AM. Dress for the weather so you can take advantage of the beautiful outdoors! You can register on the church website and pay online or with cash or check at the door. Contact Marcia at 503-720-7197 if you have questions or need a ride. It’s going to be a great day!
Each newsletter we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Here are several, along with the reason they are included. Enjoy!
Killing Sin Does Not Make You New @Desiring God—A good read to go with Colossians.
Seven Prayers for Those You Love @Desiring God—Another one from Desiring God, this one on praying big prayers like the ones in the epistles.
Build My Life—Christy Nockel’s version of this song has been on repeat a lot lately.
(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)