Becoming Who We Are


Understanding the Christian life can feel difficult. What does Paul mean when he says in Colossians 2:29, “I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me”? Is it me? Is it Christ? We’d like to know how to perfectly piece that out, divide and conquer the tasks as we are taught to do. Whether we are mathematically minded or not, we’d really like a formula, wouldn’t we?

Christian, which means “little Christ," is by definition all about Christ and wouldn’t exist without Him and His work. Christ is the foundation. The Christian life is about us being transformed into a little image of Christ (Col. 3:10.) But when we come to passages like Colossians 3 with all of its imperatives laced with doctrine, it starts feeling sort of esoteric, like the Christian life is for the elite super spirituals. That is not at all what Paul wants us to think. He is urging every common Christian to strive for maturity since we have a new identity with Christ.

My Paul-like sentence in summary of Colossians 3:1-17 is this: Because of the worth and work of Christ, since you have a new identity with Christ, as you keep seeking the things above, as you put off the things of the flesh and put on the things of Christ, as you do everything in the name of Christ, little by little you become who you are in Christ. That’s a mouthful! At 1st Thursday CONNECT we broke it down a bit, coming up with some key questions to continually ask ourselves to help us flesh out our part in the equation.

  1. What will I do today to keep Christ central and prioritize seeking Him?

  2. What sin am I killing today?

  3. How can I put on love in this situation?

  4. What would it look like to do this activity in the name of the Lord Jesus?

How does this all come together, then? If a real life example would help put some flesh on it, here is one way God recently used Colossians 3 in my life.

One day last month an opportunity came up for me to do something that would help and serve my husband. I knew it was the right and loving thing to do, but my feelings weren’t following my mind. I had lots of reasons not to—I was tired and had plenty of other things to do. My “old hat” of selfishness was right there, so easy and comfortable to put on (Col. 3:8.)

But then I thought of you all, my sisters in Christ. I really did. Because we have been meeting One-to-One reading God’s word together (Col. 3:16), Colossians came to mind. I recalled that Colossians 3 says things like, “You have died; therefore, put to death your sin” (Col. 3:3-5.) I wondered, do I really believe that is my true identity? Is my life, like a mother with a baby, so wrapped up in Another that when I think of the cross, I say, “We died. We were raised to life?” I asked myself, “What it would look like to put on love in this situation?” (Col. 3:14) I knew the answer. But I still didn’t feel like doing it.

So I started praying (Col. 4:2.) “Lord, help me believe my true identity with You. You are the powerful one who is at work in me to change me and make me like You. Help me kill this sin of selfishness right now (Col. 3:5), put on love (Col. 3:14), and do this in your name (Col. 3:17.) Oh, and help me do it cheerfully.”

And then I just took the first step. And then the next right step. And I could hardly believe it, but I was unusually cheerful. Before I knew it, the job was done. Suddenly, oh my goodness, it dawned on me what Christ had done! But it wasn’t my goodness; it was the goodness of Another. Now I was beyond cheerful. I was full of joy and thankfulness for Jesus’ work! (Col. 3:17)

Did I do anything? Yes, a little. Did Christ do anything? Yes, a lot. I “walked.” He “strengthened with all power” (Col. 1:10-11.) What was the result? Love was at work binding and bringing harmony between my husband and me (Col. 3:14.) There was peace (Col. 3:15.) There was thankfulness to God (Col. 3:15, 16, 17.) And my faith in Jesus grew.

Yes, I am dead to sin! Yes, I am alive with Christ! Yes, my life is wrapped up in Another. Yes, I can live in the power and for the glory of the Lord Jesus. Yes, He is worthy of my trust! Yes, He is changing me little by little to become who I truly am in Christ. And when I fail, as I so so often do, He is forgiving (Col. 3:13.) Praise God!

Like Paul prayed for the Colossian church, “may we be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May we be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light!” (Col. 1:9-12.)

Let us not cease praying for each other as together we are becoming who we are.



It’s almost time to retreat! Sunday, October 6—yes, that’s tomorrow!—is the last day to register for the Women’s Retreat. We will meet at Hopkins Demonstration Forest Saturday morning, October 12, at 9:00 AM. Dress for the weather so you can take advantage of the beautiful outdoors! You can register on the church website and pay online or with cash or check at the door. Contact Marcia at 503-720-7197 if you have questions or need a ride. It’s going to be a great day!


Each newsletter we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Here are several, along with the reason they are included. Enjoy!

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
Camping in Exodus


I can’t say it often enough, because the Bible says it often enough. Our togetherness matters. Being together as a local church, being together as sisters in Christ, these things are necessary. For one, they are a display to the world that we are new people with a new identity and a new family and a new powerful love. But getting together also affords us the opportunity to live out our new life in Christ. You just can’t do Colossians 3 on your own: bearing with one another, forgiving each other, putting on love, letting the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, letting the word of Christ dwell richly as you teach and admonish one another with wisdom. Colossians 3, and much of the New Testament, is written to “you” plural, not “you” as an individual. Living the Christian life alone is an oxymoron.

Now, I intend no pressure here. Please don’t feel badly if you can’t come on Thursday! But please do, not because I suggest it but because Jesus says it, connect with your body. Be active in your body. Bear with the members of your family, both physical and spiritual. Don’t let separation in time or space or relationship happen among you. But “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (plural), to which indeed you (plural) were called in one body (singular.) And be thankful” (Col. 3:14-15.) Your church family needs you (singular), and you (singular) need them (plural.) And did you catch that last add-on in Colossians 3? “Be thankful.” Are you thankful that Jesus designed his church this way? It’s not always easy, but it is necessary and it is for our individual and collective good. You matter, in both senses of the word.


Put on some flannel duds and let’s get together on Thursday, October 3, 6:30-8:30 PM. We will eat camp foil dinners, have an opportunity to help the homeless, finish Colossians, and get ready to “camp” in Exodus in October. Let us know you are coming on Facebook or by texting Marcia at 503-720-7197.



Gay Haugen will be teaching us the big story of the Bible at our Women’s Retreat! It will be fun and interactive and so very useful in understanding God’s Word. There will be lunch and coffee and friends and worship and God’s beautiful creation to enjoy as well. Registration is $20 and is open through October 6th on the church website.

We will meet Saturday, October 12, 9-5 at Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Oregon City. If you need financial assistance or a ride to the retreat, please message Marcia at 503-720-7197. See the Panorama site for more details and registration.


Each newsletter we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Here are several, along with the reason they are included. Enjoy!

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
got questions?

1st Thursday CONNECT

Sharpen up those yellow No. 2 pencils. School is resuming and so is 1st Thursday CONNECT for women! We will meet September 5, 6:30-8:30 PM, at New Life Church West Linn. Got questions?

We will start the evening with a back-to-school gourmet peanut butter bar dinner. We will have some fun with questions, learn practical ways to collect questions, and talk about good questions to help us read the Bible well. We hope to answer many of your questions about what is happening in Women’s Ministry this year, but for now, here is what you need to know.

  1. RSVP on the West Linn Women’s Ministry Facebook Event or by texting Marcia at 503-720-7197. Your RSVP helps us plan so we have no question about how many will be there.

  2. Who might you read Colossians with one-to-one in September? It could be a woman from church you would like to get to know, someone new, an older or a younger woman, a co-worker or neighbor. Think and pray about that question, and then ask someone so you are ready to start on the 5th. We’ll give you more information and resources then.

Here is a little video of some of last year’s memories to make you smile: New Life Church Women’s Ministry 2018-2019. Hope to see you on the 5th!


panorama women’s retreat

Knowing the big story of the Bible is critical to reading the Bible well. Where does each era fit into the timeline and geography of the Bible, and how does it all point to Jesus? PANORAMA Women’s Retreat will be held at Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Oregon City on Saturday, October 12, 9-5. Gay Haugen will take us on an interactive journey through the big story of the Bible. Along with learning God’s Word, we will enjoy walks, talks, coffee, lunch, and worship. Registration is open now through October 6 on the church website, $20. See the PANORAMA page for more details and registration.


Share the Joy, our Christmas reflection and jubilation, will be Sunday, December 8, 4-7 PM. Put it on your calendar, plan to invite a friend, and spend an evening preparing your heart for Christmas.

If you miss 1st Thursday CONNECT, you can still join us in reading Colossians in September. You can also read Colossians one-to-one with another woman. Resources for both are available online and also in the church foyer. Questions? Send an email, and we would be happy to help you get started.


Each newsletter we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Here are several, along with the reason they are included. Enjoy!

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
Save the Dates

Panorama Women’s Retreat

This fall we are having a Saturday women’s retreat to take an interactive walk through the big story of the Bible. There will also be time for walks and talks and lunch and fun. Put October 12 on your calendar! We will meet in Everett Hall at Hopkin’s Demonstration Forest in Oregon City from 9:00-5:00.

1st Thursday CONNECT

1st Thursday CONNECT, our monthly women’s gathering, resumes September 5. We meet in the basement of New Life Church in West Linn, 6:30-8:30 PM, dinner included.

Put the dates on your calendar! More information coming soon.

Marcia ReavelyComment
Proverbs and Picnics

Go to the Ant

When the ants arrive, I know it’s almost summer. In they march, one-by-one, oblivious that they are uninvited, unwelcome guests. Quickly making themselves at home, they swarm around yesterday’s crumbs as if there was no tomorrow. They never seem to take a vacation or a sabbath. Do they even sleep at night? Though I show them, shall I say, something less than hospitality, they barely slow down.

Interestingly, wise King Solomon encourages us to take a different approach toward these tiny intruders than Terro. He advises, “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest” (Prov. 6:6-8 ESV.) In other words, slackers, take note! A tiny ant, without being forced or told, is purposeful and productive. She has a single-minded focus that keeps her preparing and gathering. It would be wise to follow her example.

The point of a proverb is not to over-analyze or be extreme in its application. It’s not an absolute promise or command, but a practical principle or observation for wise and blessed living. The divinely inspired Proverbs in God’s Word unfurl the way of wisdom that God has always called His people to live. The bookends of Proverbs clue us in that these are more than just good ideas that I can implement on my own. The book begins, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Prov. 1:7 ESV) and ends, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” (Prov. 31:30 ESV.) Wisdom is dependent on a right relationship to God.

How, then, do I read Proverbs? Is it practical or spiritual? Yes. Proverbs is practical. It speaks to topics encountered everyday—work, foolishness, temptation, the tongue, sex, money, justice, parenting, and more. Yet, considering the fact that Proverbs is a book within a Book—the Bible, I need to relate all these snippets of wisdom to the fear of the LORD and ultimately to the gospel. Proverbs is spiritual.

God’s heartbeat from the beginning, when He with Wisdom created the world (Prov. 3:19), is that His people would listen and obey Him. This is wise. In Eden, Adam and Eve foolishly failed to trust God’s wisdom, seeking their own instead (Gen. 3:6), and all we like sheep have followed suit. But God promised, "Behold, the days are coming…when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely” (Jer. 23:5 ESV.) Jesus came, exemplifying wisdom and proclaiming God’s heartbeat—listen and obey. This is wise. He said, "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matt. 7:24 ESV.) Since we could not and would not live in God’s wisdom, Jesus Christ who is “the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:24) “became to us wisdom from God” (1 Cor. 1:30 ESV.) This is the gospel good news! “For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach (the cross) to save those who believe” (1 Cor. 1:21 ESV.) Praise God!

In the gospel, Christ—the Wisdom of God— changes our foolish hearts and empowers us to live wisely as we were created to do. The Proverbs, then, are treasures of wisdom for those who live in the fear of the LORD, listening and obeying His Word. James, which many of us have been reading this month, is often called the “Proverbs of the New Testament.” Appropriately, he picks up the theme and reminds us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (Jam. 1:22 ESV.)

In reading and applying Proverbs this summer, yes, gain practical wisdom for life. But even more, consider the fear of the LORD and the greater Wisdom to whom you belong by faith. The ant is a worthy inspiration for diligent labor, but the fear of the LORD stirs me to diligently consider even that for which I labor. The gospel consoles me that Jesus is my Wisdom from God, as I confess my failure and find help in Him. I think I’ve just begun to scratch the surface on considering the ant. Perhaps I better set aside the poison and take a closer look.

1st Thursday CONNECT

What do Proverbs and picnics have in common besides ants? Proverbs and picnics are the plans for Women’s Ministry this summer. We will meet June 6, 6:30-8:30 PM, for our last 1st Thursday CONNECT until September. We will be having a picnic, hopefully the first of many you will have over the summer. Sandwiched between that and our conclusion of the book of James, we will hear from the women who are going on mission trips to Alaska and Slovenia in June. If possible, please bring a small package of glow sticks for Shelley to take to English Camp in Slovenia. RSVP for 1st Thursday CONNECT on Facebook or by texting Marcia at 503-720-7197.

On Thursday, we will also prepare to spend the summer in two ways:

  1. Proverbs.

    Resources for personal reading in the book of Proverbs this summer will be available at 1st Thursday CONNECT, online, and in the church lobby. At one chapter a day, matching the date with the chapter, you could read it three times between June 6th and September 5th, our next 1st Thursday CONNECT. If you want to discuss it with a friend, you might read the chapter that corresponds to the date and use the questions for “Hebrew Wisdom Literature and Poetry” in the One-to-One Bible Reading notebook as a guide.

  2. Picnics.

    We also have resources for engaging with a friend in the book of Mark this summer. Many of us went through Mark in One-to-One Bible Reading last fall, and now we encourage you to invite someone outside the church to read Mark with you this summer. Picnics are optional but would make it even more fun!

One-to-One Bible Reading

Have you been praying for an open door to read the book of Mark with someone outside the church this summer? Now is the time to ask! It could be as simple as, “I’ve been reading the Bible this year with various friends, and I was wondering if you would like to read Mark with me this summer?” One woman told me she has already asked her friend, and they are both excited to start!

All you need is a Bible and a friend. You might start with 4 weeks, and if it’s going well, do 4 more. Set a time and a place, possibly with a picnic. Start your time with a simple prayer. Read the passage aloud together. Discuss what it means and how it applies to you. One-to-One Bible Reading questions for 8 weeks in Mark will be available at 1st Thursday CONNECT, as well as on the church website and in the church lobby. Pick up a copy for yourself and a friend and get started in June! Reading the Bible with someone is one of the easiest and best ways to share the gospel. This could be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things you do all summer.



  • Along with Proverbs and Picnics for summer, we suggest working through a free two week study from The Daily Grace Co. called The Word of Life: How to Study the Bible and Why it Matters. Copies will be available at 1st Thursday CONNECT or can be printed from the included link.

  • If you would like to be part of a group of women going through The Charles Simeon Trust Workshop for Women this summer to learn to better study and teach the Bible, or if serving on the leadership team of Women’s Ministry interests your heart, please contact Marcia for more information.

  • Women’s Camp at Camp Tadmor is July 19-21. Gather some friends, register on the camp website, and make memories while learning from God’s Word. If you plan to go, let the Women’s Ministry team know, and we will try to connect you with others who are going.

  • This month, please pray for Shelley Rogers as she serves in Slovenia and for BJ Hayhurst, Alina Gauthier, and Sadie Hayhurst as they serve in Alaska.


Women’s Ministry exists to help women delight in God through Jesus and engage others to do the same. Would you please fill out a feedback form for Women’s Ministry to help us do this better. You can do so by downloading this form, completing it, and emailing it to or putting it in the Women’s Ministry mailbox at church. Thank you so much!

Proverbs Resources


(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
Open Doors

A Bold New Name

I read it and cringed, “For as long as I can remember, ‘Caution’ has been my middle name.” I realized, ‘Caution’ might even be too generous for me. Caution in relationships, caution in conversation, caution in ministry, caution in sharing truth, caution in saying yes, caution in reaching out, always caution. For some of us caution is such a default position, a knee-jerk response, that it defines us like a middle name. Of course, we’re not talking here about the kind of wise caution that keeps you from getting run over by a car, but the kind of self-protective caution that keeps you from opening your door or sharing your heart. The caution that hinders vulnerability, closeness, new relationships, evangelism. It’s not the name I want.

As I read the book of Acts, there is no mention of Paul ‘Caution’, Peter ‘Timid’, or Barnabas ‘Hesitant’. That doesn’t mean they were plain crazy, rude, or blunt. Neither does it mean they got it right all the time. But when they met the risen Jesus and He gave them the promised Holy Spirit, they were transformed. Life wasn’t about self-protection anymore. No longer denying they knew him, no longer hiding behind locked doors, their new identity is ‘Bold.’ In fact, the words “boldly” and “boldness” are used 18 times in the Bible, 11 of them in the book of Acts, describing the way Jesus’ followers share the truth of the gospel.

What’s the difference? Why were they so bold but I so cautious, especially with the gospel? Every excuse I can come up with for caution in my situation falls short compared to theirs. “I might be rejected or persecuted.” They much more (Acts 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 16, 17…I get it.) “I don’t have enough education and training.” They much less (Acts 4:13.) “I don’t have the time and energy.” Sometimes they “expounded and testified about the kingdom of God from dawn to dusk” (Acts 28:23.) “No one is interested.” Didn’t stop them (Acts 4:19.) “It might be dangerous.” Paul knew for certain it was dangerous for him to go to Jerusalem and went anyway (Acts 21:13.) So what was it that gave them this determined, life-sacrificing boldness?

First, and foremost, Jesus. Acts 4:13 says the people observed the boldness of Peter and John and “recognized that they had been with Jesus.” Jesus told His disciples to be His witnesses and promised them the power of the Holy Spirit, and when the Spirit came, so did His power! Jesus gave them a mission and provided what was needed. He has done nothing less for us.

Second, if they didn’t have enough boldness after step one, they prayed for more. “And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that your servants may speak your word with all boldness….When they had prayed…they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God boldly” (Acts 4:29,31.) Immediate “yes” to a prayer God still loves to answer affirmatively.

This week, as I prayed my somewhat obligatory prayers for open doors for the gospel in my neighborhood, the words caught in my throat as I realized that the first open door needs to be mine. ‘Caution’ makes me want to give excuses and wait for someone else to initiate and show interest. But the commission of our King Jesus, coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit, compounded by the unchanging and amazing gospel good news, multiplied by the bold prayers of the saints, fueled by God’s “yes,” can change my name. What have we missed under the false shelter of ‘Caution’? Let’s pray for each other, sisters, for boldness to open our doors, boldness to go out, boldness to invite in, boldness to speak. May ‘Bold’ so mark us that people will recognize that we, too, have been with Jesus. May ‘Bold’ become my middle name.

1st Thursday CONNECT

Gardening is the theme for 1st Thursday CONNECT, May 2, 6:30-8:30 PM. We will have salad greens, salad dressing, bread, and dessert waiting for you. Please bring a small bowl of a salad bar topping, and together we will create a mega salad bar for dinner. Ideas include: fruit, veggie, nuts, cheese, meat, pickles, olives, eggs, or get creative! Also, be thinking about a Bible verse or phrase or word that has helped you grow spiritually this year or one that you want to be reminded of often. We’ll be using these to create simple garden stones. Bring your Bible, your topping, and RSVP on Facebook, Remind, or texting Marcia at 503-720-7197. Friends are always welcome.

Our final 1st Thursday CONNECT for this school year will be June 6th. We will give out resources and ideas for summer in June and will resume 1st Thursday CONNECT in September.

One-to-One Bible Reading

Will you be praying for someone outside of the church that you could boldly ask to read Mark with you this summer? It might be a coworker, a neighbor woman or two, a family member. We will have extra copies of One-to-One Bible Reading for Mark available in June for this purpose. Reading God’s word with someone outside the church could be easily the most rewarding thing we do this summer, but it won’t happen if we don’t ask. And we might not ask if we don’t first pray. So for now, pray. Ask God who you should ask, for boldness, and for an open door—yours and theirs.



Women’s Camp at Camp Tadmor is July 19-21. Click the attached link for more information. If you are interested in attending or in organizing a group of women to go, please let the Women’s Ministry leadership team know.

If you are interested in teaching the Bible and would like to learn how to better study and prepare, we hope to have a teacher training class this summer. It will include online video classes from The Charles Simeon Trust Workshop for Women, homework, and small group discussion. Please let Marcia know if you are interested in participating.


Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation by Jen Schmidt

What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert

Evangelism is More Prayer than Action for Protestant Churchgoers @ Christianity Today

Marcia ReavelyComment
Buds, Births, and Spring Cleaning

1st Thursday CONNECT

It’s spring—time for buds, births, and spring cleaning. At 1st Thursday CONNECT, April 4, we will finish our study of 1 Samuel and the budding kingdom of Israel and will launch the book of Acts which describes the birth of the church. We will do a little spring cleaning with a round of speed dusting and finish off the evening with a Minute to Win It Swap Meet.

Don’t forget to do a little spring cleaning of your own and bring 3-5 things that you would like to swap. The items can be from any of these categories: books, home decor, women’s clothing/accessories, kitchen/pantry, gardening/plants.

Bring your Bible and 3-5 items and come to New Life Church, West Linn, April 4, 6:30-8:30 PM. We’ll have dinner, learn from God’s Word, connect with each other, and celebrate spring. Friends are always welcome. RSVP on Facebook, Remind, or by texting Marcia at 503-720-7197.


One-to-One Bible Reading resources are available each month at 1st Thursday CONNECT, on the church website, and in the church lobby. Women are encouraged to partner one-to-one to read and discuss a Bible “book of the month.” Up next— Acts for April.

Acts describes the action-packed birth of the Church after Jesus’ resurrection. The Action Hero of the book, the Holy Spirit, explodes on the scene and changes hearts, which have been the bane of our existence since the Garden of Eden. He comes with fire, unleashes tongues, gives languages, makes a murderer a missionary. Long before, God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel, and promised, “…I will also sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances” (Ezekiel 36:25-27 CSB.) It was the gospel in bud stage. But now, the promise bursts into full bloom and the Church is born!

The book of Acts reads nothing short of an incredible story, and even if it were no more than that, it would be worth reading. But, oh, it is so much more! This is our history, our heritage, the baby book of the Church. Though the book of Acts is descriptive of a set of events in a certain time and place, the Hero of the story is also our inheritance and our helper. Because of the Holy Spirit, there is hope for this heart of mine that is often warped with envy and pride and selfishness and evil. God is doing spring cleaning in us, swapping the old heart for a new, placing His Spirit in us, causing us to obey Him. All the Action is His! Praise God! What a gift, this Holy Spirit of God. May God encourage us in April as we read of His Acts.


1st Thursday CONNECT, March edition, was a memorable evening. We provided 50 bags for women in need to Love, INC, an ambitious undertaking and a fitting celebration of International Women’s Day. We replaced lies women believe with life-giving truth. We enjoyed cookies, beauty, friendship, and God’s Word. From the book of Ruth, we gleaned three reasons we can trust God. God’s providence is at work. God is keeping all His promises. God has provided a Redeemer. Enjoy the memories!


ESV Scripture Journal: Acts ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the Bible with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of Bible text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture.” You might like this journal of Acts to go along with this month’s reading.

New Life Church West Linn Women’s Ministry Facebook Group Join the Women’s Ministry Facebook group to keep in touch, make comments, share encouragement.

What’s Up with the Witch of Endor? by Stephen Dempster. This article might be helpful as you read 1 Samuel 28.

The Secret to Strong Friendships by Kristen Wetherell. Here is another good reason to pray.

(Resources are reviewed but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
Woman to Woman

1st Thursday CONNECT

It just so happens that we will be meeting this Thursday, March 7, for 1st Thursday CONNECT. Since it is March, we are giving a nod to the green and the Irish and having a baked potato bar plus a very special sweet treat you won’t want to miss.

March 7th also just so happens to be the eve of the International Women’s Day. Though we don’t celebrate that day because we feel the need of a special day for women, nor to make any demands, we do celebrate the fact that God created us male and female in His image, and He declared His creation “very good.” It is very good to be a woman and very good for us to talk often about what it means to be a Christian woman, so womanhood has become the theme for the evening. It just so happens that we will be filling bags with feminine products for women in need through Love, INC. If you signed up to purchase products, please bring them Thursday evening. And, it just so happens that we are finishing up the book of Ruth, one of the two books in the Bible named for a woman and written about women. Pretty cool how plans coincidentally come together sometimes. If you’ve been reading the book of Ruth with us this month, you’ve probably noticed some of that “just so happened” language there, too, as God worked through the very real plans and choices of Naomi and Ruth to accomplish His purposes and promises.

We hope you can join us Thursday at 6:30! Let us know to count you in by signing up on our Facebook event or texting Marcia at 503-720-7197.

One-to-One Bible Reading

Each month we offer One-to-One Bible Reading resources to help women partner one-to-one to read and discuss a Bible “book of the month.” Up next? One-to-One Bible Reading will be in 1 Samuel for March. We have gone through Joshua where God gives Israel the land He has promised, through Ruth which happens during the time of the judges, and now on to the very next book of 1 Samuel when Israel rejects God and demands a human king. After this month, we will head back to the New Testament and the book of Acts.

If you ended up with a One-to-One Bible Reading binder that isn’t getting used or had to take a break, we would love to help you connect with another woman and get started! Contact us any time about how to do that. If it just isn’t going to work for you at this time and you would like to pass your binder along to another woman, we can help with that, too. All you need to do is put the binder in the Women’s Ministry mailbox at church, and we will recycle it.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is coming soon, at least according to the calendar, so “spring cleaning” is our theme for April. As you do a little spring cleaning this month, would you please save 3-5 items that you are ready to part with that still have good life left in them. The items need to be from any of these, but only these, categories: books, women’s clothing/accessories, pantry, home decor, kitchen, gardening/plants. Bring at least three, but no more than 5, items with you to 1st Thursday CONNECT on April 4th for some swapping fun!



Even as we rightly oppose and strive to overcome a multitude of old prejudices, here is the most ancient and wonderful one—God’s judgment from the beginning that his creation, including us as men and women made in our Creator’s image, is very good. We can and must forever share God’s “prejudice” that to be a woman, as to be a man, is very good. ~Kathleen Nielson, Women & God

I don’t want anybody treating me as a ‘person’ rather than as a woman. Our sexual differences are the terms of our life, and to obscure them in any way is to weaken the very fabric of life itself. Some women fondly imagine a new beginning of liberty, but it is in reality a new bondage, more bitter than anything they seek to be liberated from. ~Elisabeth Elliot, Let Me Be a Woman

I wonder if we can all agree that how we feel about being a woman doesn’t have any bearing at all on what we are. We may feel like we don’t fit the mold, but God calls us to live in a way that shatters the world’s expectations. So in our misfit feelings, he has actually given us a gift. Our misfit feelings don’t change reality. We are women. When we act, when we do whatever it is we do, we do so as women, and we become a living narrative that models womanhood to those around us, for good or ill. ~Abigail Dodds, (A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ


The Daily Grace Podcast is a new podcast to encourage and equip women to seek God in His Word. Episode 4 on the Story of Scripture is a helpful explanation of Biblical Theology with an example from Ruth.

How to Grow Newer When You’re Not Growing Younger by Abigail Dodds @The Gospel Coalition.

When Disappointment Digs Ditches in Your Heart by Samantha Nieves @True Woman.

Women’s Training Network, a conference for women put on by The Gospel Coalition, will be held in the Portland area, April 12-13. If you would like to attend with a group of women from New Life Church, register online, and let us know you plan to attend. We will arrange carpooling in April.

(Resources are reviewed but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
Growing in Love

Love matters

This is us. Though not all of you could be there that night, this image represents “us.” Friends for sure, but oh, we are so much more. Transcending human DNA are spiritual bonds, invisible to the microscope, evident only by love. We are bound by blood, not of genealogy, but of our Savior who has made us one. Yes, we are family, a body, a church—sisters, united by the love of Jesus and by our love for Jesus. If this is a family formed by the sacrificial love of Jesus, and it is, it makes sense that one thing should mark its members—love. Just in case we thought it was optional, though, Jesus makes it very clear. “I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34, CSB). Love matters in this family of God, and there are love matters that can’t be ignored or love simply doesn’t exist.

One matter we must get right is love’s nature. Love should be lovely, right? We know we are supposed to love each other, and of course we do, don’t we? If it were that simple, I wonder why Paul would warn against hypocrisy? “Love must be without hypocrisy” (Romans 12:9, CSB). There must be something long and hard about real love that would make me want to fake it. If you’re like me, it’s easy to say, but harder to make that squishy, slippery feeling I call “love” become action instead of mere mental and verbal assent. You think you’ve made the decision to love, once and for all. You think you’ve got it, but then you find that some days you’ve lost it. How can that be? Or, you put love on your task list, only to get to the end of the day and wonder if you accomplished it. Even if you sheepishly check it off, you wake up to see it has automatically transferred to today’s list, and the next and the next and the next. It’s never done, and we like done. Check. Not love, it can’t be tackled that way. No, Jesus showed us love. “This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers” (1 John 3:16, CSB). How do you quantify that? As long as there is life left, there is more laying down to do. “Love never ends” (1 Corinthians 13:8, CSB). Love isn’t valentines. It isn’t for February. Love is sacrifice. It’s for life. That’s the nature of love.

Then there’s the matter of the context of love. Love begins to get a little more concrete when we look at it like Jesus does—laying down our lives. But still, practically speaking, I am not quite sure how to lay down my life for you, my sister in Christ. But Jesus knows us so well. You can almost hear Him say, “For example… ‘If anyone has this world's goods and sees his brother in need but shuts off his compassion from him-- how can God's love reside in him? Little children, we must not love in word or speech, but in deed and truth…’” (1 John 3:17-18, CSB). In other words, love has to show, or it simply doesn’t exist. In order to show, there must be context. It logically flows that love is meaningless in isolation. “Seeing a brother in need” implies connection. Isn’t it ironic that love can’t be known unless it is shown, and love can’t be shown if needs aren’t known. We need to be together, vulnerable and observant. That is part of why we gather—on Sundays, on many days, in life groups, in homes. For us sisters—on 1st Thursdays, on One-to-One days, on just-because days. Not because we don’t have other things to do, but because we have one main thing to do. Together we are learning to know each other, to grow in devotion to each other, to share and care for the needs of each other, to weep and rejoice with each other, to speak to one another in love, to spur one another on to love and good deeds, to encourage one another with God’s Truth, to delight in the gospel together, to sacrifice for one another, to serve together, to pray for each other, to lay down our lives for each other. Because of Jesus’ love for us, we are connected to each other. Because of our love for each other, we must connect. We belong to each other, and that is a beautiful, though often a costly and messy, thing. Love doesn’t exist without context.

In this task of love, there is also the matter of potential. Thankfully, this is not completely left to us, because we mess love up all the time with our selfishness and sin. Love isn’t something we have to figure out how to get once we are in God’s family. No, love is our birth mark. It’s on us, in us, given to us. “We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19, CSB). After all, the very first listed fruit of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, is love. What hope, what grace, what a gift—to be loved by God and gifted with love for others. And yet, for now, we exist in this time and space where love is in us but must also be worked out by us. Chemists divide energy into two classes. Potential energy is energy an object has because of its position relative to some other object. Kinetic energy  is energy possessed by an object in motion. In a sense, love is the same. We are full of potential love because of our position relative to Jesus Christ, but that love must be put in motion by us in order to be actualized. I wonder what the profound impact would be were we to unleash our full potential for love!

Why, you may be asking, is this love thing such a big deal anyway? I guess it’s not, if church is another of our clubs or hobbies or a feel-good place we come for some spiritual teaching. If that is how we feel, then we are missing the effect of the whole matter. The effect of love is multi-faceted, like a diamond that flashes a spectrum of lights when hit by the sun. There may be countless points of light, but I simply leave you with two effects that matter. One, it confirms our faith to our own hearts. It says so in black and white in 1 John 3. “Little children, we must not love in word or speech, but in deed and truth; that is how we will know we are of the truth, and will convince our hearts in His presence, because if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts and knows all things” (1 John 3:18-20, CSB). You see, we cannot be Sunday-morning Jesus-people. Jesus’ people are all-of-life all-for-Jesus people. If Jesus’ love is in us, it compels us to love each other, and that love confirms our faith in the truth. But a second effect of love is a more outward and potentially costly matter. Our love isn’t just a birth mark, seen and known by family only. Our active, sacrificial, continual love for each other shows Jesus to the world. “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35, CSB). In Jesus’ perfect wisdom, our identity is “together,” and the world sees Him through our “togetherness.” Not only do we need each other, sisters, but the world needs “us.”

Yes, love matters. When we rightly understand love’s nature, context, potential, and effect, we may be beginning to understand what Jesus was talking about when He said, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39, CSB). How are we doing in these matters of love?


1st Thursday CONNECT

February’s 1st Thursday CONNECT is devoted to, what else? LOVE. How can we love each other in meaningful ways and love the world in tangible ways? These are things we will touch on this month. After a candlelight dinner, we will learn about Love Languages, learn how we can support Love, Inc., and start a great Love Story: Ruth. So, let’s get together February 7th, 6:30-8:30 PM, at New Life Church. We always appreciate knowing you are coming so that we can have enough but not too much seating, food, and handouts. You can let us know any one of a number of ways—sign up on our Facebook event, or send a message through our Remind group, or email Marcia.


One-to-One Bible Reading is available to all, regardless of whether you can attend on Thursday or not. It is beautiful to see the women of New Life Church connecting with each other and growing in God’s Word together. You can get One-to-One Bible Reading resources on our website or pick them up in the foyer at church. Simply ask someone to read with you for the month and get started anytime. In February we will be reading Ruth, a powerful story of God’s providence and provision. Wouldn’t it be especially delightful to go through Ruth with an older woman, a “Naomi,” or a younger woman, a “Ruth,” this month? Consider who you might ask! Email any time with questions or for help in finding a partner.


Sign up on Remind, or text @nlwomen to the number 81010, to receive Women’s Ministry announcements and to RSVP for events.


At 1st Thursday CONNECT in March, we will be filling bags to support the ministry of Love, Inc. A list of supplies will be available with the One-to-One handouts this month if you would like to purchase products to fill a bag. More information will be given at 1st Thursday CONNECT.


Women’s Training Network, a conference for women put on by The Gospel Coalition, will be held in Portland, April 12-13. This is a new conference but is similar to the former Verity Conferences held in our area, even led by the same woman, Taylor Turkington. It would be fun to go with a group and learn to use God’s Word well in our lives, our homes, our ministries. Registration is open!

Ruth, a devotional study of the book of Ruth, put out by The Daily Grace Co., might be a nice addition to your study this month.

The Danger of Self Care @Crossway

Searching for the Story of Home @TGC

Ignite the Wonder, a conference for women put on by Western Seminary, will be held in Portland on March 2nd.

(Resources are reviewed but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment
Welcome to 2019!

1st Thursday CONNECT

We’re starting the new year with a birthday party! We’ve just celebrated Jesus’ birth. It’s the birth of a new year. If the Lord wills, we will each celebrate another birthday this year. So, we’re going celebrate! We will also be focusing on how we can connect with the missionary women that New Life Church supports, on their birthdays and beyond. Our teaching time will be from the book of Luke, a perfect way to wrap up Jesus’ birthday. 1st Thursday CONNECT is January 3, 6:30-8:30 PM, at New Life Church, dinner provided. If possible, let us know you are coming by emailing or by signing up on our Facebook event.

One-to-One Bible Reading will be in the book of Joshua for January. We will kick it off with a brief orientation to the book at 1st Thursday CONNECT. One of the best parts of One-to-One reading is getting to know another woman and conferring over God’s Word. What is the purpose of the passage? What does it mean to us today? What difference will it make in my life? So, who could you partner with this month? A few simple meetings could make a big difference. Think about it, pray about it, and ask someone.

If you miss Thursday, extra resources will be available in the church lobby and on the website.


New Books

What a sweet time we had at Share the Joy in December! The treats, the art work, the Advent readings and booklet, cute crafts, warm conversations—it was a joy to be together and begin to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Highlighted at Share the Joy were several books that are now available to be checked out of the church library, perfect for a winter read. Enjoy!

God's Story

Christ from Beginning to End, Hunter and Wellum

The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine Vos


Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe, Driscoll and Breshears

Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know, Wayne Grudem


A Meal with Jesus, Tim Chester

A Loving Life, Paul Miller

Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, Paul Tripp

Spiritual Growth

Unlimited Grace, Bryan Chapell

Christ Formed in You, Brian Hedges

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, Timothy Keller


Our Secular Age, Collin Hansen

Making Sense of God: Finding God in the Modern World, Timothy Keller


The Scars That Have Shaped Me, Vaneetha Rendall Risner

Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense, Paul Tripp


The Gospel Centered Woman, Wendy Alsup

The Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson

Sacred Influence, Gary Thomas


Fruit Flies in Our Faith, Annie Paden


Sign up with New Life Church Women’s Ministry on Remind to receive Women’s Ministry text announcements and RSVP for events.


Looking for a Bible reading plan for 2019? There are many options and ideas at YouVersion.

New Life Church Women’s Ministry website has printable resources, including a two-year ROOTED Bible Reading Plan and Bible Memorization Plans.

The Most Important Tool for Observing the Structure of a Narrative Episode @Knowable Word

Skinned Knees, Broken Hearts, and the Need for Mommy Theologians @TGC

What Should We Do When the Sadness is Unbearable? @Patheos

(Resources are reviewed but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

the Word.png
Marcia ReavelyComment
Two events coming in December!



Our annual Christmas celebration, Share the Joy, will be held Sunday, December 2, 5-8 PM, at New Life Church in West Linn! We begin at 5 with a few announcements and instructions, but the rest of the evening belongs to you. Enjoy space for conversation, festive treats and warm drinks. Peruse book ideas and resources to help you dig into God’s Word in 2019. Create an optional simple craft. Best of all, quietly reflect on the advent of Jesus Christ at stations in the auditorium, each with a reading and original artwork. Take home an Advent booklet by Joyce Schroeder to continue your personal reflection on Christ during the Christmas season. If you can’t make it at 5, come when you can, and stay as long as you like. Bring a friend and join us!

1st Thursday CONNECT

It’s almost time again for 1st Thursday CONNECT, our monthly gathering. It’s cold; it’s dark; it’s December. So we’re going to get cozy and have pizza and pajamas night! Put on something comfy and join us Thursday, December 6, 6:30-8:30 PM. After we eat, we will sip on cocoa, tie fleece blankets for Shepherd’s Door, learn from the book of Mark, and get ready to dive into Luke for Christmas.


Who might you ask to do One-to-One Bible Reading with you in December? There might be a new woman you could get to know, or a neighbor you could share Christ with this Christmas through the book of Luke.

If possible, let us know you are coming by signing up on our Facebook Event, sending an email, or by texting 503-720-7197. Before the busyness of the month sets in, it will be a joy to get together and anchor ourselves in God’s Word. We’re excited to share the evening with you!

Did you know?

  • You can sign up for Women’s Ministry News under New Life Church subscriptions.

  • You can join our Women’s Ministry Facebook group.

  • You can get more information or resources on the the Women’s Ministry page of New Life Church.

  • You can pick up extra One-to-One Bible Reading handouts in the foyer at church or print them from the website.

  • The Women’s Ministry planning team is praying for you. If you have prayer needs you would like to share, please contact us. This year’s team includes: Elaine Hochstettler, Kim Fraley, Rita Salo, Marcia Reavely, Michelle Glynn, and Gay Haugen.

  • There are some excellent city-wide events coming up in 2019. IGNITE is one of them, March 2. And for all Bible teachers, the 9 Marks Conference on Biblical Theology is March 1-2. Registration for that one opens December 7.

Marcia ReavelyComment
Upcoming Events


As soon as you flip the calendar, it's time for 1st Thursday CONNECT, coming up November 1, 6:30-8:30 PM! Please join us downstairs at New Life Church for dinner, teaching from the book of Mark, new resources for next month, plus some fun and practical opportunities to express gratitude. We will be collecting nonperishable food items for the Bridges to Change food bags. If you would like to bring something, suggested donations include: cereal, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruits and veggies, mac and cheese.

If possible, let us know you are coming by signing up on Facebook or by clicking here to send an email. If you can’t make it, we will miss you for sure, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out. We hope to have the teaching time on Facebook Live, so look for us there!


One-to-One Bible Reading resources are available on New Life Church Women’s Ministry website, as well as at 1st Thursday CONNECT. Even if you can’t attend on Thursday, you are welcome to print the resources and join in on One-to-One. We are focusing on the Gospel of Mark for the months of October and November. If you missed the introduction to Mark at last month’s 1st Thursday, you can catch the video of Gay Haugen’s teaching on Facebook.

We had so much fun last month, we can’t wait to get together again at 1st Thursday CONNECT on the 1st! Hope to see you then!

Lauren EdmondsComment
September Update


Here we are, well into September, and hopefully you are wondering—what's next for women's ministry? We are eagerly planning for the upcoming year and can't wait to tell you all about it! Put Thursday, October 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m., on your calendar and join us for the kickoff. There'll be dinner and fun. We'll tell you about the plans for fall and get things underway.

Women's Ministry is all about helping women connect with God and each other. We are in the sweet spot of doing both when we are in God's word together.

To help us do that, we are taking a layered approach to connecting this year. We are excited because we believe this plan is simple, flexible, accessible, and has something for everyone. Each layer can stand alone but grows sweeter when combined with the others, and none of them takes a lot of time.

The Layers

So, what are the layers?

1) ROOTED in God's Word

We will have monthly resources available to help you personally dig into a Bible "book of the month." Simple and useful.

2) ONE-to-ONE Bible Reading

We are excited about this new layer, connecting with God and another woman in ONE-to-ONE Bible reading. Nothing scary, just reading and discussing the "book of the month" with another woman over the course of the month. If you can only do one, this layer has potential to accomplish so much and is accessible for anyone. Choose a friend, a neighbor, a younger woman or an older woman, someone new or an old-timer. Meet with someone different every month or stick with someone longer term. You can even ask us to match you up. Anyone can do it--shut-ins, walk-ins, new moms, students, employed, retired, intra-and extroverts. You can meet over the phone, over coffee, over Skype, even at church. You can do evenings, or weekends, or nap time, or anytime. Flexible and impactful.

3) 1st Thursday CONNECT

Also new this year is what we are calling 1st Thursday CONNECT. Each first Thursday evening, we will gather in the New Life Church basement for food, fun, meaningful activities, plus Bible teaching from some of our own women. Relaxing and purposeful.

4) Special Events

Women's Ministry will have its usual special events. SHARE the JOY, our Christmas gathering, is up next on Sunday, December 2. Fun and meaningful.

Please join us for dinner October 4! Get more details and learn about our first "book of the month," Mark. Will you start dreaming now of women you might connect with for a month or two? The Women's Ministry team will always be available to help make connections or answer questions. May God use His word and our relationships to draw us into deeper delight of Himself this year.

Lauren EdmondsComment