Two events coming in December!



Our annual Christmas celebration, Share the Joy, will be held Sunday, December 2, 5-8 PM, at New Life Church in West Linn! We begin at 5 with a few announcements and instructions, but the rest of the evening belongs to you. Enjoy space for conversation, festive treats and warm drinks. Peruse book ideas and resources to help you dig into God’s Word in 2019. Create an optional simple craft. Best of all, quietly reflect on the advent of Jesus Christ at stations in the auditorium, each with a reading and original artwork. Take home an Advent booklet by Joyce Schroeder to continue your personal reflection on Christ during the Christmas season. If you can’t make it at 5, come when you can, and stay as long as you like. Bring a friend and join us!

1st Thursday CONNECT

It’s almost time again for 1st Thursday CONNECT, our monthly gathering. It’s cold; it’s dark; it’s December. So we’re going to get cozy and have pizza and pajamas night! Put on something comfy and join us Thursday, December 6, 6:30-8:30 PM. After we eat, we will sip on cocoa, tie fleece blankets for Shepherd’s Door, learn from the book of Mark, and get ready to dive into Luke for Christmas.


Who might you ask to do One-to-One Bible Reading with you in December? There might be a new woman you could get to know, or a neighbor you could share Christ with this Christmas through the book of Luke.

If possible, let us know you are coming by signing up on our Facebook Event, sending an email, or by texting 503-720-7197. Before the busyness of the month sets in, it will be a joy to get together and anchor ourselves in God’s Word. We’re excited to share the evening with you!

Did you know?

  • You can sign up for Women’s Ministry News under New Life Church subscriptions.

  • You can join our Women’s Ministry Facebook group.

  • You can get more information or resources on the the Women’s Ministry page of New Life Church.

  • You can pick up extra One-to-One Bible Reading handouts in the foyer at church or print them from the website.

  • The Women’s Ministry planning team is praying for you. If you have prayer needs you would like to share, please contact us. This year’s team includes: Elaine Hochstettler, Kim Fraley, Rita Salo, Marcia Reavely, Michelle Glynn, and Gay Haugen.

  • There are some excellent city-wide events coming up in 2019. IGNITE is one of them, March 2. And for all Bible teachers, the 9 Marks Conference on Biblical Theology is March 1-2. Registration for that one opens December 7.

Marcia ReavelyComment