got questions?


1st Thursday CONNECT

Sharpen up those yellow No. 2 pencils. School is resuming and so is 1st Thursday CONNECT for women! We will meet September 5, 6:30-8:30 PM, at New Life Church West Linn. Got questions?

We will start the evening with a back-to-school gourmet peanut butter bar dinner. We will have some fun with questions, learn practical ways to collect questions, and talk about good questions to help us read the Bible well. We hope to answer many of your questions about what is happening in Women’s Ministry this year, but for now, here is what you need to know.

  1. RSVP on the West Linn Women’s Ministry Facebook Event or by texting Marcia at 503-720-7197. Your RSVP helps us plan so we have no question about how many will be there.

  2. Who might you read Colossians with one-to-one in September? It could be a woman from church you would like to get to know, someone new, an older or a younger woman, a co-worker or neighbor. Think and pray about that question, and then ask someone so you are ready to start on the 5th. We’ll give you more information and resources then.

Here is a little video of some of last year’s memories to make you smile: New Life Church Women’s Ministry 2018-2019. Hope to see you on the 5th!


panorama women’s retreat

Knowing the big story of the Bible is critical to reading the Bible well. Where does each era fit into the timeline and geography of the Bible, and how does it all point to Jesus? PANORAMA Women’s Retreat will be held at Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Oregon City on Saturday, October 12, 9-5. Gay Haugen will take us on an interactive journey through the big story of the Bible. Along with learning God’s Word, we will enjoy walks, talks, coffee, lunch, and worship. Registration is open now through October 6 on the church website, $20. See the PANORAMA page for more details and registration.


Share the Joy, our Christmas reflection and jubilation, will be Sunday, December 8, 4-7 PM. Put it on your calendar, plan to invite a friend, and spend an evening preparing your heart for Christmas.

If you miss 1st Thursday CONNECT, you can still join us in reading Colossians in September. You can also read Colossians one-to-one with another woman. Resources for both are available online and also in the church foyer. Questions? Send an email, and we would be happy to help you get started.


Each newsletter we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Here are several, along with the reason they are included. Enjoy!

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment