Praying Philippians



by Sierra Parsons

Paul was a missionary and apostle, spending much of his ministry writing to churches to encourage them and help them lead lives for Christ—much like we would read a missionary letter of thanks, update and encouragement. While I am no Paul, I hope this letter for you will encourage and build you up using many of Paul’s words to the Philippians (all reference markers are from Philippians.)

Dear Believer, Sister, Friend, 

I praise the Lord upon my every thought of you (1:3), giving Him glory for the work in your lives as you continue to reach out to neighbors, family, and friends! You are continuing to be a part of the Church and help it grow, as well as helping everyone you know in their times of trouble and hardship. I do look forward to the day we can all be together and celebrate what God has been doing. 

You continue to count others as more significant than yourselves (2:3)— looking to their interests above your own. It can be difficult, but I know these sacrifices are for the expansion of the Gospel and the growth of the Kingdom. So we press on toward the goal of Heaven and eternal life in our Savior (3:13). It looks so much sweeter from here than ever before! 

It is easy to become bogged down and discouraged with the world around us. Constant news, disappointments, loss of loved ones, livelihoods, for some of us even perhaps some of our identity. But don’t let Satan lie to you about these things! Our citizenship is in Heaven; we are not a people of this world any longer (3:20). I know you are waiting eagerly with me for the the return of our Savior who has the power to transform our lowly bodies and make us true instruments for Him (3:21). 

Therefore, my prayer for you today is to stand firm in the Lord and His guiding care of your life (4:1). We think on the things above, all that is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable, if it is worthy of praise and has excellence. In the midst of the craziness of the world, we hold on to the hope of God’s provision for our lives. His kingdom will come, and I pray with you, His will be done.  

This season is one of reflection, on the sacrifice of our Savior for the sins of the world. He was hung on a tree and gruesomely killed for our sins—but willingly took on the sacrifice of life itself so that we may live with him for eternity. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice. May our reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand (4:4-5). 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you (4:23). 


Could you use someone to talk to or someone to pray with during these days of isolation? Is there something that you need? As sisters in Christ, we need each other—to walk the highs and the lows of life together. We are all wanting connection, wondering how each one is doing, wishing we could help in some way. Let’s not do this alone but continue to reach out to each other in the ways available to us, to see how others are doing and to share how we are faring. The Women’s Ministry team would also love to help. Please feel free to contact us anytime.


In each newsletter, we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Enjoy!

  • The Secret of Christ-Exalting Contentment @Look at the Book—After you have studied Philippians on your own, you might take a look at how John Piper explains it.

  • Blessed are the Meek @Sermon Audio—This sermon by William Hughes, coupled with what we have been reading in Philippians on humility, drills deeply into the heart.

  • Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund—How does Jesus Christ actually feel about His people amid all their sins and failures? Read this highly recommended new book.

  • Is He Worthy? by Fellowship Worship—a unique rendition, for our times.

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

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