He is Coming!



It’s an Easter for the history books, isn’t it. I hope you took some undistracted moments to read Luke 22-24 and relive the Resurrection Day that made history.

He is risen…beautiful, amazing, heart-stopping words. Especially for those living in the wake of recent death, enduring the separation due to disease, groaning with the stiffness of aging bodies, feeling the darkness of choices around and in us. He is risen indeed!

Those words are our life-line to hope while we live in a world still waiting. He is yet to come—to receive His bride, to bring final justice and deliverance, to make all things new. When that Day comes, we will experience Resurrection’s accomplishment fully, and what a Day that will be! For now, we wait in our own “Saturday” before Sunday. Jesus had spoken of what was ahead, of His resurrection, but His disciples didn’t quite get it. Jesus talked about what is ahead for us, too, but we don’t quite get it all either.

I do know this, while we wonder about what is to come, we can watch and wait full of hope because of another “watch and wait Saturday” that was followed by Easter Sunday. He is coming! “Peace to you!” (Luke 24)


In each newsletter, we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Enjoy!

  • Resurrection Letters Live: Quarantine Editionjust one link today as we close out this quiet Easter Sunday. Here is Andrew Peterson singing his Resurrection Letters live for us this Easter, a great way to celebrate and worship.

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment