Side by Side



The news, including this newsletter, is full of cancellations these days. I don’t know how you and your family are faring so far, but here are some snapshots of where I and my family have been this week.

Day 1, all smiles, happy for the slower pace, enjoying time to catch up on sleep and odd jobs and things we push off to run off to the next thing.

Day 2, still sunny, exploring outdoors while keeping a safe distance, trying new things like Zoom calls, making plans for quiet evenings.

Day 3, getting a little old already, missing friends and events, making decisions about what we really need and what is just a want, thankful for technology like never before.

Day 4, making some good changes, working at connecting better within our four walls, talking about things we are learning, considering that maybe the slower life is a thing we will want to hang onto.

Day 5, a little bored, trying to get creative, pressing on with normal where we can, depending on the Lord for the heart stuff that isn’t pretty.

Day 6, talking on the phone instead of texting more than usual, walking more than usual, wondering how long this will last and whether cancellations will bleed out of April.

Day 7, in the car for the first time all week, losses are starting to mount, bigger things in our lives are getting cancelled like all the rest of Layne’s speech and debate competitive season.

And that’s where I found myself Saturday morning when I woke—considering the losses, especially Layne’s loss. In light of that, I wrote her a note. It was for my heart as much as hers. We all have them. The losses at our house are fairly minor so far in the grand scheme of things. Yours may be much more significant. We all may face more. No matter what, though, we have Truth that cannot be lost or cancelled. Let’s help each other remember and believe. Though physically apart for a time, we are together, “striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27).

I am sad with you about all the losses of this season, the fun of competing and hanging out with friends at debate club and tournaments and other places. For different reasons, softball ended and music and art were interrupted for you a couple of years ago. Losses are a hard part of life, and you are experiencing that reality and accepting it well at a young age. I don't know if this is the end of your NCFCA run, but either way it brings grief. You have poured time and energy into it and done well. You have learned a lot this year, done hard things, and succeeded. For that you should feel proud and happy, and I feel the same for you. We don't know the future, nor why this has to happen right now. It seems a big interruption to good things, and it is.

I can't help but wonder if Job must have felt the same, only to the nth degree. Why is this happening? What will the outcome be? He didn't know. We don't know. But our God is the same. He knew. And He knows. He had good for Job and He has good for us. Even without all the blessings in the end, Job learned and experienced more of who God is and worshiped Him, and that was of greatest benefit. We, too, can throw ourselves on Him, lean on Him, trust Him, learn of Him and worship Him.

There are a lot of skills to learn in debate--theory, research, listening, communicating, argumentation and more. But the best thing you can learn, and the thing I most want for you through debate competition, is to know and depend more fully upon your Heavenly Father. Thankfully, debate is not the only place to learn that. This very situation is another and probably far more effective one. In our losses and disappointments, we can lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him. We can cast our cares on Him and see Him care for us. We have extra time and motivation to spend with our Lord in prayer and His word, and it will be sweeter to us than honey.

We can learn in these months to submit more fully and patiently and cheerfully to God's will and plan. We can grow in trusting God when we can't understand. We can even rejoice! (Philippians 1, James 1, 1 Peter 1) Some, much, maybe all of the good from trials comes from leaning into our Father's arms and finding real relationship there, finding true comfort, knowing Him in a new and closer way that we couldn't have or wouldn't have without it. This is gold. This is worth any and every loss we may endure. I want that for you, and for me.

I love you and am seeking the Lord with you through all of this. I love how in Philippians 1:27 Paul exhorts us to “with one mind” be "striving side by side for the faith of the gospel." That is us, you and me and our family and our church. Striving side by side, at an appropriately needed distance for now : ), for the faith of the gospel. Let's encourage each other toward that grand goal and glorious end.
Praying for us,



1st Thursday CONNECT scheduled for April 2 is obviously cancelled. We plan to move our Persian Feast to May 7th if we are able to meet then. We will keep you posted on that meeting. In the meantime, continue to read Esther and feast on God’s Word. If possible, continue to connect with your One-to-One Bible Reading partner online or by phone. A free video meeting on Zoom is one of the ways you can do that. It is good for us to remind one another of God’s faithful providential care of His people in Esther’s day and in ours.

We will be reading Philippians in April, another timely book. There will be an introduction and resources available on the church website by the end of March. You can continue to connect online or by phone with your current One-to-One Bible Reading partner for another month if you like. If you didn’t have one or want to switch it up, reach out and ask someone or contact Marcia for help.


Simeon Trust Online Courses are on sale now through Easter, $9 instead of $19. The First Principles Course for women is a great place to start in learning to study God’s Word and to possibly teach it. Check it out, plus all the other great courses available. This is a good time to buy it and a good way to spend housebound time.

Western Seminary’s Center for Leadership Development is offering an excellent free online course on Biblical Theology now through April 14th. Use coupon code BT0320.

The local ministry, Omega Espresso Bar, is a bridge helping women in transition gain sustainable employment and productivity. They were featured at 1st Thursday Connect in March. Their fundraising luncheon scheduled for May 16 has been cancelled. As you think of them, pray for OEB and their interns and the coffee shops that partner with them during these challenging times. If you want more information on their ministry and how to support them, please visit OEB’s website.

There are a few local conferences for women coming up to put on your calendar. Gospel Coalition Women’s Training Network is July 10-11. Registration is open. Camp Tadmor Women’s Camp is also in July, the 17-19th. Nancy Guthrie will be teaching on Biblical Theology October 30-31 at Hinson Church. Registration opens May 1.

You are welcome to post encouraging verses and thoughts for each other on our private Facebook group: New Life Church West Linn Women’s Ministry!


In each newsletter, we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Enjoy!

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment