

Refresh: Before You Share Your Faith


The Refresh Retreat is happening soon! September 14 will be a day full of time with the Lord, time with each other, and time in the woods. Add good food and growing in readiness to share our faith, and it promises to be a fun and worthwhile day. Whether sharing your faith is something you struggle with or love to do or both, there will be helpful motivation and ideas for everyone. May God ignite in us fresh love for our neighbors and equip us to better share the gospel, and may he delight to save many even this year as we partner with him in the glorious endeavor of sharing his good news!


Registration for Refresh 2024 is open on the church website. Cost is $25 which can be paid online or by cash or check to New Life Church and designated “West Linn Women’s Retreat.” Please contact the Women’s Ministry leadership team if you would like assistance to cover the cost.

  • Saturday, September 14, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

  • Coffee, snacks, lunch, and handouts provided

  • Everett Hall, Hopkins Demonstration Forest, 16750 South Brockway Road, Oregon City

  • Register online, $25, through Sunday, September 8


Bring a Bible, your Side by Side notebook if you have one, and dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather. Here is a schedule for the day and a Spotify playlist to help you prepare!

Marcia ReavelyComment