The Connection Cafe


We’re doing something new this spring and having a special Saturday coffee for New Life Women and friends! We have long enjoyed gathering at Christmas and bringing friends to Share the Joy, but once a year is just not enough. So, The Connection Café was born to bring our friend groups together in the spring. It seems appropriate to focus on gardening, and that is just what we will be doing.


You can expect delicious drinks—lavender lattes, grapefruit ginger juniper sparkling water—coffee cake, sweet and savory treats, gardening tips, simple handmade cards, lots of fun connecting with friends old and new, and a short meaningful story of how Jesus provides foundation in life.


This is for all New Life Women and all your friends. It’s not too late to invite someone, but whether they can come or not, we hope you will come to deepen your friendships and meet the guests who attend. Our love will be a display of the love of God to our guests.


We hope you can join us!

Marcia ReavelyComment