

Transforming Prayer

Does prayer sometimes feel like a housekeeping chore? Something you know you should do but find yourself giving a lick and a promise? Has prayer become a list of needs you feel obligated to rattle off to God, not expecting much in return?

Would you like a fresh start with prayer? Would you like to see it more as a love relationship than a grocery list? Would you like to talk to God the way you talk to a best friend, no topic off limits, no fancy words required?

This is what God invites us to. He wants us to know the blessing of seeking His face and the intimacy that comes with it.

Here are two steps to begin to refresh your prayers:

  1. Use the Walk and Talk prayer guide from the Refresh retreat and spend time enjoying God, out in nature if possible.

  2. Read Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face. Daniel Henderson writes:

    God calls us to an intimate encounter as we pursue Him with all our hearts…. To seek His face today means to set our hearts to seek Him in worship with biblical understanding, submitting completely to the control of His Spirit with a longing to know and enjoy Him more. Prayer is not about rehearsing a quick list of needs with God, but seeking Him because of who He is, with a passion for a deeper intimacy and experience of His presence.

When you said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face, Lord, I will seek’ (Psalm 27:8). It is our privilege and for our greatest joy to seek the Lord’s face!


1st Thursday Connect

It’s that time of year when families feast to celebrate and express their gratitude for God’s goodness. As part of God’s family, we are not just friends but sisters, so let’s gather together in thankfulness. Here are the details.

  • November 3, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • New Life Church West Linn

  • Family-style dinner, Friendly Family Feud, teaching from God’s Word

  • RSVP for November’s 1st Thursday Connect at

We have been reading Deuteronomy in October and will begin Judges for November. Pick up materials at 1st Thursday Connect, in the church foyer, or find them on the website. Find or request a Side by Side Bible Reading partner and encourage each other with God’s truth in November.

Would you like to join other women in memorizing Galatians over the course of the next year? You can get materials and instructions to make your own memory booklet on the website and get started anytime! Remember, perfection isn’t the goal. Time spent learning God’s Word is always beneficial.


Coming Up

For the month of November, we will be collecting packages of children’s socks for Love INC. They are particularly in need of socks that will fit children in middle school. Shop November’s sales and either put packages of socks in a bin near the church mailboxes by December 1 or bring them to December’s 1st Thursday Connect.

Share the Joy, a Christmas reflection and celebration for women, is coming up December 11, 4:00-6:00 p.m., at New Life Church, West Linn. This special evening is designed to be a comfortable and meaningful pause in the busyness of the season for both you and your friends. Put it on your calendar and begin now to invite friends to join you.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment