March 2023


1st Thursday Connect

Our next monthly women’s gathering, 1st Thursday Connect, is March 2, and it’s Mad For Plaid day!

Pull on some tartan plaid and join us for a Mashed Potato Bar dinner at 6:00. If you are able to bring a topping, please sign up here.

After dinner, we will spend time in God’s Word and finish our study of Hosea, Joel, and Amos. Fun “1st Thursday Highland Games” will follow as we build community with the clan around our table.

  • March 2, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • New Life Church West Linn, downstairs

  • Livestream available at 6:40 p.m.

  • RSVP for March’s 1st Thursday Connect on the church website

We have been reading Hosea, Joel, and Amos this month and will read four more of the minor prophets in March: Obadiah, Micah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah. Pick up materials at 1st Thursday Connect, in the church foyer, or print them from the church website. Invite someone to join you in Side by Side Bible Reading for the month of March. It is a wonderful way to make new friends and benefit from God’s Word together!



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

  • Come Lord Jesus—a song to prepare for 1st Thursday.

  • Prophets—a Spotify playlist.

  • Habakkuk: The One Thing That Must Change— @ Knowable Word. “This is what it means to live by faith: We cannot change our circumstances. We cannot change the people around us. And we cannot coerce change from God. But, especially when our knees knock and our lips quiver, the one thing that must change is us. We can bank everything on the God who is both willing and able to do all he has said he will do.”

  • Why Read the Book of Obadiah?— @ The Master’s Seminary Blog. “What makes Obadiah a unique addition to our Bibles? It reveals to us a new ingredient in God’s character: His love is unwavering… There is no extent to which His love will not go. There is no test of time His love will not endure. There is nothing better His love will not give.”

  • Context Matters: Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly With God—by Ryan Higginbottom. “The way many people use Micah 6:8 is not exactly wrong, but it is incomplete. In this prophetic book, this verse serves as the law leveled by God against the people of Israel. And the judge brings a guilty verdict.”

  • What We Miss When We Skip the Prophets—another by Ryan Higginbottom.

  • Be Slow to Pull the “God Card”—by Will Anderson @ TGC.

Marcia ReavelyComment