


“In the beginning.” Those are the important first three words of the Gospel according to John. John tells us in the beginning of his book that the Word was with God, creating in the very beginning. That Word became flesh and lived among us. Those two truths from John 1 shape humanity, reveal deity, and prelude Christianity. Beginnings matter.

The same is true of a new year. You’ve probably heard the quote, “Begin with the end in mind” (Franklin Covey.) What do you want for 2020? If you know what you are aiming for, you are more likely to begin well and end up where you desire. I can’t think of many things better for 2020 than being in God’s Word and reading it alongside my sisters in Christ, growing as women of the Word together. With that as our aim, Women’s Ministry will begin the new year with 1st Thursday CONNECT on January 2nd!

It may be cold outside, but we will be warm inside with chili and fleece and friends. Our teaching time will be from the book of John, and then we start a series of months in the Old Testament, beginning with 1 Kings in January. We will again pair up to read the Bible one-to-one. Would you also consider memorizing 1 Peter? At only a few verses a week, you can do the whole thing in a year. We may not know all that God has done in our lives through His Word and our one-to-one partnerships this year, but we can be confidence He’s done a lot. God promises His Word is an investment that never returns empty.

Babies are another beginning, and it is our privilege in January, the month of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, to come alongside the ministry of First Image Pregnancy Resource Center. Their mission is: Compassion toward those who are vulnerable, voiceless, or misled. Beginnings matter. We will learn more and work on a small project.

If you haven’t had a chance to read John yet, what better way to end the year than by doing it now. Hope to see you January 2nd!

  • 1st Thursday CONNECT, January 2nd, 6:30-8:30 PM

  • New Life Church West Linn

  • RSVP on Facebook or by texting Marcia at 503-720-7197


As we close out 2019, here are some Women’s Ministry pictures from this fall for your remembrance and enjoyment. Thank you to all who have contributed—with food, teaching, serving, set-up, printing, purchasing, and attending. Yes, your very attendance is a contribution. Not only is your presence an encouragement, but ministry happens as we sit around the table with one another—speaking truth, sharing hope, offering a smile or a hug or a prayer. That matters, a lot, so thank you.


Each newsletter we try to include links to articles or books or music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Enjoy!

(Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church.)

Marcia ReavelyComment