May Day of Prayer
Today is our monthly Day of Prayer. As always, I can’t encourage you urgently enough to pray. I have been motivated to pray by looking back at what God has done in answer to prayer this year already.
We will have a corporate prayer meeting in the Fireside Room in West Linn at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to pray together in Wilsonville, you can join Pastor Travis at noon in the Wilsonville prayer room. Otherwise, you can use the prayer room there whenever you’d like; click here to reserve the room.
As you pray, please remember these items before the Lord:
Pray that God would draw the church to pray more and more.
Pray for a deep spiritual sweetness and an abiding unity in the church.
Pray for us to live as kingdom ambassadors every day.
Pray for our new youth pastor to get off to a good start.
Pray as we figure out how to start a college ministry.
Pray for our Global Outreach team as they seek to support our Global outreach partners.
Pray for God to go ahead of us with the church plant in Oregon City. For people to be receptive to relationships and to the gospel. Pray for wisdom in some of the initial decisions.
Pray that God would bring the right people to our church.
Pray that God would rescue people from the Followers of Christ.
We are planning to have a few prayer walks on our Day of Prayer in June.
Pray, Pray, Pray!