April Day of Prayer #2
If you can’t join the 24-hour prayer event you can still pray for the same things. Here is the second half of the stations in each prayer room. You can do some of these at home:
Our World - Pray for our world. Write prayer requests for different countries or people around the world on post-its and stick them to the map.
Pray for Ukraine - Pray for God's hand to be at work through this horrible time, both in Ukraine and Russia.
Pray for Oregon City - Pray over Oregon City and that God will prepare the way for a church plant.
Library - There are a selection of books here for you to read. Read, reflect, and respond.
Pocket Verses - Take a prayer as an encouragement for yourself or to give to others.
Prayer Journal - Take the time to write out your prayers; sign your name or leave it anonymous. Consider reading and praying over other peoples prayers.
Memorization - Choose a verse to memorize and use the notecards to write it out and carry it with you.
Salvation Cards - Write down the names of three people who need salvation on a notecard. Either carry the notecard with you as a reminder to pray, or leave it for others to pray over.
Pray - Write prayer requests and notes of praise on a card and clip it to the string, pray over other peoples prayer requests.
Answered Prayers - Take answered prayers off of the string, write on the back how and when they were answered, and put them in the box so that we can praise God with you.
Hopes and Dreams - What is something that you would like to see happen through New Life Church in the next 10 years? Fill out the card and put it in the basket.
Gratitude - Write down things that you are grateful for and post them around the room so that others can read them and be encouraged.
Attributes of God - Use this prayer guide to pray through the names and attributes of God. Take the corresponding paper home with you to help guide your prayers for the next 30 days.