Have you ever thought about how God might reach your neighbors? Has it occurred to you that God placed you where you are for a reason? You are God's plan for your neighborhood! To help you engage with our neighbors, we are using the app, BLESS Every Home.

BLESS Every Home is a tool you can use to help you live an intentional, pray-care-share lifestyle. In fact, BLESS is an acronym to help you remember ways to care and share with your neighbors:

B - Begin with prayer. Ask, “God how do you want me to bless the people in the places you’ve sent me to?”
L - Listen. Don’t talk, but listen to people — their struggles and pains.
E - Eat. Have a meal with people or a cup of coffee. This helps build connection and relationship.
S - Serve. If you listen to and eat with people, they will tell you how to love them, and you’ll know how to serve them.
S - Story. When the time is right, share the story of how Jesus changed your life.

Sign up to become a “Light” in your neighborhood. It’s free and confidential. You'll receive a map and list of your closest neighbors, along with emails at the frequency of your choice to pray for your next five neighbors that day. When you get a chance, walk or drive by those homes as you pray for them.