Does your mind wander during your prayer routine or praying for your list? Ask the Lord for help to focus, then make a change.
Today is our monthly Day of Prayer. New Life Church is trying to live in such a way that we need God. We don’t want to have ambitions that are small enough that we can accomplish them without Him. We don’t want a church life where nothing supernatural happens. That means that we must constantly be trusting God and expressing our dependence on him in prayer. That’s why we have a monthly day of prayer.
Please join us in praying for the following items:
Please pray for the church plant. They have been inviting people to join them and are waiting to see the fruit from those invitations. Pray that people will respond and God will call people to himself through their invitations!
Please pray for all the life groups as they take the October Challenge!
Please pray for the finances of the church. At the end of September, we are behind our budget by over $110,000 and, since we haven’t spent that whole budget, we are behind our expenses by over $40,000!
Please pray for next year’s budget. Ministry leaders and the Executive Team are hard at work putting the budget together. Because of the shortfall mentioned above, the budget will be very tricky.
Please pray for additional people to serve. We need extra people to serve in each congregation's audio-visual booth for our worship gatherings. We would love God to send us another worship leader or two before adding another congregation. Another person or two would make a big difference in our local outreach efforts, too. (Matthew 9:37-38)
Please pray for Pastor Adolfo and Nueva Vida. They have had some very good things and some very hard things lately. Pray that God would provide for them, protect them, and give them perseverance.
There are, of course, people who are hurting or sick in each congregation. Please pray for healing and comfort for them.
Thank you for your prayers.
When you slow down through a school zones, take the occasion to pray that the Gospel will make inroads into that school.
Tell a neighbor you pray for that you are praying for them. Ask them how you can specifically pray. This changes a friend into a spiritual friend.