Article 6: Authority

  • The organizational procedures set forth in this document are designed to be the servant of the Church, never its master. They are intended to aid the membership in managing its affairs with “decency and order”. Other documents such as a Church Policy Handbook, Church Employee Handbook, Mission Policy Statement, Children and Youth Ministry Policy statements, and others may be developed to aid the Church’s ministry. These statements will be subordinate to this document. As changes in policies, procedures, and handbooks need to take place, the Executive Team will oversee such changes.

  • Believing in the autonomy of the local Church under the leadership of Christ Jesus, this Church shall maintain affiliation with the Conservative Baptist Association of America and Northwest Conservative Baptist Association. This Church may enter other relationships with Churches or organizations for the purpose of furthering the kingdom of God. No financial support is to be given to a work or workers whose doctrinal position is not compatible with ours.

  • All physical property belongs to the Church, not to any individual member or congregation.