SEction 6: Ministry Leaders and Ministry Teams
A ministry leader is a spiritually qualified servant who shares responsibility to lead a segment of the ministry of the Church (1 Timothy 3:8-13). They are represented in the New Testament by the word “deacon”.
A ministry team is comprised of individuals from the Church and shall serve the Church and the external community in tangible ways.
Ministry leaders will usually be recognized and recommended for service by their team. Ministry leaders may be appointed by the Executive Team if the ministry team does not select someone. They should be proven in that ministry before they take leadership of it (1 Timothy 3:10).
Ministry leaders will be ratified annually by the Executive Team.
Ministry teams will be recruited by the ministry leader and annually presented to the Executive Team.
A list of ministry leaders and ministry teams will be maintained and available from the Church office.
Ministry leaders shall conform to the character qualities of a deacon listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:3.
Ministry leaders shall be members of the Church.
Each of the ministry leaders shall ascribe to and annually affirm the doctrinal statements, teaching positions, and mission/vision statement of the Church.
Ministry team members must be committed to the Church. A minimum of 50% of the ministry team shall be members of the Church.
The ministry leader is responsible to provide leadership for a ministry team of the Church.
Ministry teams may meet as often as necessary to accomplish their ministry.
Ministry leaders and ministry teams shall serve the Church and promote its mission in a variety of ways in accord with their job description or as may be delegated to them by the Executive Team.
Job descriptions for each team shall be created by the teams and guided by the Executive Team.
A ministry leader will serve an indefinite period, as long as they are able to effectively lead their respective ministry.
Any circumstance that renders a ministry leader unable to meet the qualifications [Article 6, Section 4c], or to carry out their responsibilities [Article 6, Section 4d], may be cause for termination.
Ministry team members will renew their ministry commitment annually.
The number of ministry team leaders shall be limited only by the number of qualified people and needed ministries.
The ministry team leaders may make some practical decisions that support and cooperate with the Executive Team and ministry staff of the Church. Each ministry team’s purpose is to facilitate and accomplish ministry, not to make policy decisions.