Section 4: Privileges of members

  • Members become members of New Life Church. Individual congregations do not have membership, but members are identified with a congregation for the purpose of elder selection [Article 5, Section 2].

  • Members, age sixteen and older, may vote on all matters of Church business including:

    1. The ratification of elders by written ballot only.

    2. The call or dismissal of the senior pastor or campus pastor by written ballot only.

    3. The purchase or sale of real estate property.

    4. The ratification of the Church budget.

    5. Matters brought by the Executive Team to the membership.

    6. The amendments to the articles of incorporation or Constitution and Bylaws.

    7. The establishment of official Church relationships.

  • If a member wishes to initiate Church action, they must submit the matter in writing to the Executive Team, who will determine whether the matter promotes the purpose and mission of the Church. If necessary, the Executive Team will bring the matter to a Church vote at the next regular business meeting.

  • Members have no rights to real or personal property of the Church.