External References for the Book of Acts
The Development of the Bible: An Interview with Michael Kruger
10 Mistakes I Made when Reading the Bible - The Gospel Coalition (Africa)
Who was Herod Agrippa II - GotQuestions-dot-org
Who was Porcius Festus? - GotQuestions-dot-org
Who is Drusilla? - GotQuestions-dot-org
Bible.org - Where the world comes to study the Bible. A helpful website portal to multiple Bible study resources.
Saul had an Extraordinary, Supernatural Conversion — and So Did You! - Nancy Guthrie
The Providence of God - six messages by R.C. Sproul
What does the Bible say about Flattery? - GotQuestions-dot-org
Ten Reasons Why the Bible is the Greatest of the Great Books
The Crisis of Biblical Illiteracy, Biola Magazine
Apostle Paul’s Timeline - from the Blue Letter Bible
Virtual World Project - interactive virtual tours of archaeological sites in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.
“Don’t be Half a Berean" by Jacob Crouch
Video: The Ground of our Assurance, by Don Carson
Hermeneutics: 14 Principles for Studying the Bible
Chapter 11: *Download a free copy of the basic information in The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman
Chapter 9: No, “Saul the Persecutor” did not become “Paul the Apostle”
Chapter 8: Who was the Ethiopian eunuch?
Holy Spirit related: Six Reasons for the Virgin Birth
Holy Spirit: How the Holy Spirit helps us read Scripture
Holy Spirit (article 3): What Does it Mean to Grieve the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit (article 2): 10 Things You Should Know About the Holy Spirit
Bible Project: Overview of Acts
Holy Spirit (article 1): The Problem with Trying to Portray the Holy Spirit
Bible Reading: Five Blessings of Marking-up your Bible
Bible Reading: How did Jesus’ Stories get Passed on?
Free online commentary: The Gospel Coalition
Chapter 2: What Really Happened at Pentecost? (podcast)
Chapter 2: Did Jesus and the apostle preach the right doctrine from the wrong O.T. texts? (video)
Chapter 2: What is the difference between Sheol, Hades, Hell, etc.?
Chapter 2: “Witness” word study
Chapter 2: What is the Day of Pentecost?
Chapter 2: Pentecost was a Reversal
Chapter 1: Recovering the Forgotten Doctrine of Christ’s Ascension
Chapter 1: Theological Primer: The Ascension